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How do you deal with gaining 60 pounds and weighing 201 pounds?

How do you deal with it? Probably the best way is to look at what caused the weight gain in the first place. The reasons people gain weight are complex. It may be a lot more than the fact that one is overeating, or eating all the wrong foods (although that is certainly part of it). Consider the environment: did something traumatic happen that may have caused the person to turn to food as a coping mechanism, or a way to seek comfort? Was there a job loss, or the loss of a loved one? Was it something that happened in the past that was never dealt with? The loss of a relationship, perhaps? Also consider medical conditions. Did the persons medical condition change? Did they start taking a medication that caused weight gain? What was the persons lifestyle like before? How were they eating? Were they exercising? Maybe they changed from a job that was more active to one that was more sedentary? These things need to be considered first. Any medical conditions need to be treated, and any emotional stresses need to be dealt with. Stress in general needs to be mitigated. One could perhaps begin some kind of daily physical activity that is enjoyable and learn about healthy eating habits and correct portion sizes to lose any excess weight and return to a healthier weight. But the important thing is yes, to deal with it. Your health - and peace of mind - are worth it.

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